Interview schedule for the post of Executive Officer, Publicity Officer, Assistant Executive Officer/Recovery Officer. Field Publicity Officer. Accounts Assistant/Junior Auditor, Junior Statistical Assistant. Junior Assistant/Record Keeper and Junior Supervisor advertised vide Advertisement Notice No:KVIB/01 of 2016 dated 08.10.2016
In continuation to Notification No: KVIB/05 Dated: 11.12.2017. it is hereby notified for information of all the candidates who have been shortlisted for the above mentioned posts that their viva voce interviews shall be conducted in Direction Office J&K Khadi and Village Industries Board Exhibition Ground JAMMU and Direction Office J&K Khadi and Village Industries Board Old Secretariat SRINAGAR as per below mentioned schedule
SNONAME OF THE POSTDATE OF INTERVIEW AT JAMMUDATE OF INTERVIEW AT SRINAGAR01Jr. Supervisor27th and 28th January 201810th and 11th February 201802Accounts Assistant/Junior Auditor29th and 30th January 201816th and 17th February 201803
I. Executive Officer
II. Assistant Executive Officer/ Recovery Officer
1st February 20183rd February 201804
I. Field Publicity Officer
II. Junior Statistical Assistant
6th February 2018
4th February 201805
Junior Assistant/Record Keeper
07th February and (^February 201818th and 19th February 2018
The candidates belonging to Jammu Division shall appear for viva voce interview at Jammu whereas, the candidates belonging to Kashmir Division shall appear for viva voce interview at Srinagar. The candidates belonging to Ladakh Region can appear for viva voce interview either at Jammu or Srinagar as per their convenience.
The candidates shall have to produce all certificates/testimonials in original i.e date of birth, qualification certificate(s).category certificate applicable (if applicable) as asked for vide Advertisement Notice No: KVIB/01 of 2016 dated: 08.10.2016 before Ihe interview committee. The candidate who fails to produce such certificates/ testimonials will not be allowed to appear in the interview and shall forfeit their candidature
In case of any deficiency with reference to eligibility etc. proved at the time of verification of documents it shall forfeit his/her candidature.
Any candidate found guilty of impersonating or submitting fabricated / tampered documents or making false, incorrect or suppressing material shall render him/herself liable for criminal prosecution under law and shall be barred for recruitments to be made by the Board in future.
No TA/DA shall be paid by the J&K KVIB to any candidate for appearing in the interview If any candidate whose Roll Number figures in the short listed candidates fails to appear in the interview on the given date he/she shall loose his/her right for appearing in the interview.
Only those candidates shall be allowed to appear in the viva voce interview for the post of Junior Assistant/Record Keeper who qualify the type test which shall be conducted at Jammu and Srinagar by the Controller of Examination As per notified schedule which shall be notified separately
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